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Art Club & NAHS

About Art Club

Art Club seeks to help students expand upon their interest in visual arts in a relaxed social setting while focusing their skills on projects that benefit the entire school and community.

Art Club's aim is to create an environment in which creativity and collaboration are fostered. Our mission is to not only create art but to also make it more visible in our school and community.

Art Club is open to all students who are interested in art. One does not have to be enrolled in an art class to be in this club. No prior experience is necessary and all from grades 9-12 are welcome. Possible field trips to art galleries and museums can be arranged if there is interest.

Open Studio time provides students with time to explore and experiment with a wide variety of art department materials. There is always the opportunity for Art Club participants to work on new independent or group projects, but students are also welcome to continue working on in-class projects.

Recent examples of how Art Club has engaged in community building and raising art awareness include creating installations for Winter Spectacular, collaborative drawings for Hispanic Heritage month, and painting the firehouse dog for Station #2 in Round Lake.

Meeting Times

Tuesday, 3:20 to 4:50PM, Room G300

About NAHS

National Art Honor Society (NAHS) functions to develop art students who are pursuing advancement in the arts and wish to serve the community through the arts. To be accepted, students must be enrolled in or have completed at least one credit of high school Art, attend monthly NAHS meetings and at least one Art Club per month, maintain a B or better in all Art classes, and good standing in other curricular areas, and be actively pursuing projects related to their topic of interest in the arts.

Students interested in joining NAHS must go through an application process.  Induction for new members happens every spring.

For more information on NAHS, visit:

Meeting Times

1st Thursday of the Month, Room G300


Ginger Culp

Ginger Culp