The future belongs to the curious, the ones that are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out.
Our Mission
Students are engaged in scientific practices every day without even realizing it as they ask questions about their world, investigate and troubleshoot problems, and explain answers. The science department seeks to build upon students’ innate curiosity to engage them in authentic and rigorous investigations that support the development of critical thinking and communication skills.
What we practice:
- Hands-On, Minds On Science
- Collaborative Problem Solving
- Inquiry-Based Learning
- NGSS Aligned Curriculum that Engages Students in Science and Engineering Practices
- Equitable and Real-World Application
Our Vision
All Round Lake High School students will become scientifically literate citizens ready to critically consume, apply, and construct scientific knowledge.
For more information on each class or to view all classes offered at Round Lake High School, view the Curriculum Guide / guía curricular.
Nathania Busses
Department Chair